Amelia Bouquet


The show must go on

The Communication Garden designed by Amelia Bouquet and constructed by Urban Meadows was in support of Mental Health UK.  The garden won a Silver medal and a Best Construction award at the 2021 RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival. It was the details, construction materials, limited colour palette in both the hard and soft landscaping and that really attracted my eye.  After a very tough 18 months it was surreal being back photographing at the shows. When the show was announced I never really believed it would actually go ahead. When it did I was slightly apprehensive on first entering the show ground but it soon felt like it was only yesterday that I was last here. Meeting friends old and new, I realised how much I had missed the social interaction and the inspiration from the wonderful show gardens. I kept returning to this garden, naturally drawn to it with the natural materials and neutral colour palette which was very calming in what has been a stressful world. Garden photographers always have to deal with the elements and during my time at the show we had the full range of the elements that I tried to capture.

I entered this photographic portfolio into the 2021 Awards of the Garden Media Guild for Portfolio Photographer of the Year and I was delighted to be shortlisted.

Garden design reflective pool
White Foxglove