Here are a few incredible stats that I have seen recently…

People spend almost twice as long on your website if there's a video on it…

People are 44% more likely to buy from you after watching a video about your business...

94% of people say they watch videos about a business to decide if they want to become a customer or not... 

A landing page or website with a video will convert almost 90% better than a version without a video... 

The reason for using video in your business is to help attract and sell to more customers!  There are nuances to this depending on the type of business you are but the basic aim is to raise awareness of your brand and to get your message out to as much of your target audience as possible.

Notice I did not mention about the technicalities of a beautifully cinematic film, types of camera, studios, etc.  At the outset this is not important.  How we produce your films comes further down the line.  

Behind the beauty of the perfect film is the theory

My process is a three step approach. By following this process you will get the maximum benefit through developing an effective video strategy suiting the needs of your business.


Strategy design process

Get the strategy right first, this informs the production process, which allows you to manage the results.



I will work with you to develop an effective video strategy that through talking to your audience will help to achieving your business goals.

Content Production


We will produce the video content to work alongside the strategy.  Through producing the right content we will engage with your audience helping to take the desired action for your business.

Strategy Management


I will partner with you to manage your video content distribution to ensure maximum exposure which in turn will help generate the best ROI for your business.

Video Services

The following is a breakdown of the types of video services available.  Depending on strategy and budget these are the main areas of content to focus on.  You might just require one of these options or a selection of videos from the different areas.  This shows why you need a strategy first approach so we can then define a video type to suit your business.

Online video Strategy Design & Consulting


If you only do option talk to me about what your video strategy might look like.  I love sharing my knowledge on digital market best practices. Through careful alignment of a video strategy to your business goals your business reach and revenue can only grow.

Brand Storytelling


Within every brand there is a story! Using the human skill of story telling that has existed for thousands of years, you have, through video, a medium to connect with your clients and customers on a human level. Engage them in a way that has been holding their attention since childhood and that is built into our DNA. Powerful brand stories engage your audience on an emotional level making them sit up, pay attention and find affinity with your brand. We understand the power of a good story, and can help you tell it.

Video Content Marketing


Marketing your business in our new economy has changed almost unrecognisably.  It is no longer about simply placing adverts and waiting for the phone to ring!  Cleaver marketing of your brand today requires you to know how to position your message.  Video content can help to educate, inform and inspire your ideal audience.  Connect with them on their terms and watch your business grow.

Corporate Video Production


There are a range of video ‘types’ we can create for your brand, exactly which one is right for you depends on the ‘strategy’ we have decided on for your business. There are a range of options from origin stories, through to more practical how-to videos; all have there place and all offer a different value.  

Social Engagement Video


Social Media platforms today are essentially all video distribution networks with the power to make (or break) brands. Effective video content for YouTube isn't the same as for Instagram or Facebook.  To reach your target market, you will need to engage with them in ways that suit the platform they are on, excite the consumer with the right content and move them to take action.

Platform Native Campaigns


Your Strategy and goals will define the ideal video platform for you. You can no longer produce one type of video to be shared across multiple platforms. Every Social Network has its own language, style and considerations and when we build video strategies that respect this we build effective marketing that audiences love.

Online Video Advertising


Understand your audience! Do they now use their smartphone as their primary information and entertainment source? If so it's more important now than ever to be targeting the right customer, in the right way through your advertising. 
Video converts better than any other form of advertising, and when combined with the right campaign setup, management and reporting we can help your business grow.

Education & Workshops


I fully understand that digital marketing and creating an online video strategy can often be overwhelming for many.  The goal posts are constantly shifting and new technologies are emerging all the time.  I spend many hours researching current industry best practice.  I love to share this knowledge with businesses and see the lightbulb moment when the fog of digital marketing begins to lift. 
Get in touch to find out how this knowledge can be share with you either through one-to-one sessions or group workshops..