With the start of 2020 and a new decade, January has been a time where many of us have been reflecting on the previous decade to see how our lives have changed. This is a brief summary of my journey and some thoughts on my road ahead and how my business will develop.
The start of the last decade was full of hope and excitement because the previous one had been difficult at times to say the least and I was happy to see it out. With the realisation I was officially a divorcee I was happy to have a positive new business venture starting which made life easier and allowed me to shut the door on the past. I worked with an inspirational team that have changed my thoughts on business forever. As the decade progressed I developed an allergy for the material we made our products from! This forced my hand to leave but I had a desire once again to venture into developing a design idea that had been whirling in my mind for a long time. Along with a talented team, we started to develop ideas for a new product. During this period my personal life took on a positive direction and I met someone special who made my life complete again. So all was good personally, but my business and career direction was still up in the air. The design process for the new product took a long time and cash flow was becoming an issue. My personal relationship grew stronger and we decided to buy a house together, never to do things by halves we took on a full renovation project alongside trying to get a business off the ground. Then, after a difficult time trying for a child we finally got the lucky blue line appearing on a test, we were soon to be parents! The business I was involved with was still in the prototype phase and the realisation I was now responsible for more than just myself was hitting home.
With cash flow very tight and the development stage of the business taking longer than originally anticipated, I made the difficult decision to leave. My focus then started to concentrate on my next career move. I went for a job interview in a marketing role, but it was only when pitching my ideas for how I saw the opportunities to use imagery and video on their website and across social media, did I get excited during the interview. The CEO I was pitching to liked my ideas but wanted me to delegate the visual elements to suitable 3rd parties so I could concentrate on the core areas of the role. However, I felt the vision so strongly there was only one person for the visual elements of the job, me! Following the interview, for which I got the job, I went home and made the tough choice to turn down the offer but to pitch for the creative work as a photographer. The rest is history! I made the step away from the security of a paid career into the uncertain world as a freelance creative. I did however secure a contract for the creative work for this brand which really helped me on my path. This made for an interesting and certainly eventful decade. Looking back it’s wonderful how things have turned out, sleepless nights both as a new parent and with the worry of providing an income did at times feel tough! I am now a proud Dad, still managing to keep a relationship on a happy course, the house still needs finishing but my photography and video business is going in a positive direction.
Now in my fourth full year as a professional photographer and videographer, I still struggle to think of myself as a ‘pro’, call it imposter syndrome I guess! I have loved photography and cameras for as long as I can remember, studying photography at college and my camera was never far away from my side on holidays and days out. The dream of using photography in a professional capacity was limited to a few photo shoots in my role as a marketing manager for various brands. I never believed this could be my full time career.
My background in marketing has certainly helped me to forge my offering to clients. I was initially a little sceptical about the future of photography as a career. With the volume of photographers now out there and the perceived weakening of the role with constant technology improvements in cameras and phones. There is a belief that to be a photographer all you need to do is buy a good device. Little thought is given to the skill and dedication needed to hone the techniques. I am still convinced that it is the creative thoughts and ideas that are the true identity of a photographer. Yes equipment and a knowledge of how to use it is vital, but there is no replacing the eye and creative thoughts of a photographer who is dedicated to his craft and involved in photography and videography every day to bring an idea to life.
Setting up the shot using WiFi in the Canon App
The key factor I identified was that not all clients knew what they required with regard to visual creative. In these instances I have tried to guide them with the correct brief and vision of how images and video can work together alongside a clients brand. This synergy between image content and how this is used will provide a positive return on investment which can be measured. This can be through visits to the website, sign ups to newsletters, or direct sales, etc. whatever is the individuals goal. This type of advice was not required for all my clients, some really use the images I produce well across all platforms and have clear briefs to work to and clearly explain the desired results they are looking for. When working closely with brands, the value images and video offer are so important if worked in as part of a whole marketing plan.
The finished result with me looking pensive! This is an example of trialing photo shoots to develop my personal brand and to show clients an ideas portfolio
Looking to the future development of my services in 2020 I am keen to help businesses use the visual media I produce to full benefit. As part of this process I am keen to work with businesses in a more involved capacity to delve deep into a brands ethos rather than simply being employed as an ad-hoc photographer. It is only through forging these deep understandings of a brand that the marketing and images can work as one.
I am also keen to develop my own personal brand in all of this process. I have to say looking back at my own business offering I am a little embarrassed, little and irregular content creation and a website that has not developed in over a year would be the first point I would feedback to my clients! So 2020 will be a year of adding value through my website and social media channels. Part of this value will be regular content on how to use photography and video for business and a look behind the scenes to show you what is really involved in creating quality content. I hope to inspire ideas through my thoughts and views on what is working well in this new marketing age by providing tips and advice.
If you are a business owner or work in marketing for brands I think you will find some of my thoughts on marketing and photography interesting over the coming months, so please follow me on social media and sign up for my monthly newsletter. I am excited to see what the next decade brings and how photography and marketing will develop. To clients new and old lets get the new decade going in a positive direction #2k20.